Saturday, June 8, 2013

Gandhiji's Postage Stamps

          World countries, more than 100 nations, A to Z (Antiqua to Zambia) released postage stamps depicting Gandhiji’s photos. This is a great gesture not given to any other world leaders other than our own Gandhi.
          Interesting facts of Gandhiji stamps.
          Apart from India, more than 300 postages about Gandhiji have been released by many other nations in this world.       

·        The first nation other than India to have released Gandhiji postage stamp was United States on January 26th, 1961. The Second Country was Congo in the year of 1967.
·        During Gandhiji’s Centenary Birth Anniversary Celebrations in 1969, more than 40 Countries released Gandhiji Postage Stamps on the same day.     
·        The first country which had released post card for Gandhiji was Poland.         
·        The first country other than India which had released remembrance envelope about Gandhiji was Romania.         
·        The first country which had released post mark to admire Gandhiji was Myanmar (formerly Burma). Czechoslovakia and Luxumberg were the other countries which had released post marks.          
·        During Gandhiji Centenary Birth Anniversary Celebrations, Bhutan had released 2 Postages and Somalia had released 3 Postages of Gandhiji. These were printed at Nashik, Maharastra, India.  
·        The United Nations had announced October 2nd as the day of Non-Violence. Moreover on October 2nd 2009, the United Nations had released a Postage in the honor of Gandhiji.     
·        In India, the first postage stamp on Gandhiji was planned to be released on 2nd October, 1948. For this, 4 types of stamps were drafted. Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru took keen interest on this. Unfortunately, Gandhiji was assassinated in January 1948 and the first postage stamp on Gandhiji was released on Independence day in 1948 (ie on 15th August, 1948)  
·        The leader who worked hard for the development of India and a great Sudesi, whose first postage stamp was printed at Switzerland. From 1925 to till the date, the one and only Indian postage stamp printed outside India is this only. In this year of 1948, the currency and postage stamp printing facility came in to existence in Nasic. Governor General C.Rajagopalachary wished to use Gandhian postage stamps in his official correspondence. After this, the stamps used in the official capacity were imprinted ‘Service’ and used by the officials all over India. Out of this ‘Service’ stamps, the stamps in the denomination of Rs.10 was printed in very small number (only 100) and are treated as very rare postage stamps.   
·        Of this ‘Service’ stamps in the denomination of Rs.10 was the very small number of postage stamps printed in the world. Only 100 postage stamps were printed. These are all treated in India as rare postage stamps.      
·        In India, more than 48 stamps and 200 postal envelops having special emblems were released in the honor of Mahatma Gandhiji

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