Monday, February 15, 2016

DMK Alliance with Congress

Now a days people are sharing their opinion about current politics. So all political leaders easily know about educated people mind in current politics. Almost all party leaders are in FaceBook, Twitter and other social medias and sharing their opinion about their stand for particular issue or about current politics.
The great example is, recent flood in Chennai and  social media connect the people and help to support the people who are affected flood. Also condemned ADMK party person who are put stickers an aided thinks. Still ADMK government not able to recover from this issue. The power of social media is now growing. Also it is guiding who are fresh blood for vote.
Now what is the current position of Congress party?; this party already broken one. Yes, TMC created. Most of congress person are moved to the party. Now very less folks are in this party. Even no use to alliance with this party. Also their previous ruling they delighted the scams. As of now Congress party is looks like letter pad party.
Tamilnadu people hardly punished DMK party in last lokshaba election due to  2G scams, family politics, don't have the good power plan and not support to Srilanka's Tamil people etc.,
Lets come to the point, the recent Tamilnadu politics update is DMK and Congress alliance. Almost all social medias are vibrating the status about DMK alliance with Congress. The young bloods are mostly participating this conversation and sharing their opinion. Also they find videos from 2013 which has the content how DMK leader spoke about congress and Congress leader spoke about DMK. Young bloods (new comer for election) should think about DMK and Congress word on 2013. They will think, these 2 parties don't have any stand about their words.
DMK leaders mis judge the young blood. The young blood will avoid to vote to DMK. DMK and alliance will help to AIADMK party. DMK  members will vote to other parties. They won't put vote to DMK and ADMK but they will put their vote to other small parties which will help to spread the vote. Whenever votes are spreads then ADMK will get gain. 
Big drawback to DMK is alliance with Congress. DMK will get the prize from Tamilnadu people once again in 2016 election. Almost congress party is not in TN. So DMK will not gain any votes from Congress. 
When I am publishing this post, DMDK side commented about this alliance, this is indicating DMDK is not going with DMK+Congress alliance.

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